Learning support teachers
Learning Support teachers are based at our school to assist children of all year levels who may be experiencing difficulty with any aspects of school work, particularly language and reading skills.
Children who have been verified are supported through our Student Support Centre. These children are integrated into the school community. Learning Enhancement teachers work with general classroom teachers to develop appropriate inclusive programs.
Visits are also received by a speech therapist to assess children with speech problems and assist with appropriate Home/School programs.
A Guidance Officer is based at the school for three days a week and is involved in diagnostic assessment of children referred either by class teachers, parents or administration.
Chaplaincy services
Our school community continues to support our chaplaincy service and our Chaplain Mr Sean Godfrey. Our P& C have recently endorsed their support for this wonderful program.
Details of the programs that our Chaplain provides are outlined below:
- Weekly woodwork program delivered to a group of students from Grades 4-6.
- Assistance to families new to the school.
- Family support when needed.
- Supporting our P&C with fundraising activities.
- Weekly meetings with the Student Support Team to discuss programs for student support and evaluate effectiveness of programs being implemented.
- Class visits - daily check-ins or supporting children in the class with settling and completing tasks.are optional programs that may form part of student welfare activities offered in state schools.
All programs are designed to complement schools‘ guidance and counselling services. A chaplaincy program is provided as a local community initiative to cater for the spiritual, religious and ethical needs of students. Programs show respect for all religious and spiritual beliefs in the community. Student involvement in any activities offered as part of a school‘s chaplaincy program is voluntary.
Sean is in the school from Monday to Wednesday The chaplain acts as a positive role model for our students and interacts with students during lunch breaks. They also support our school community members who have experienced recent grief or loss, require assistance forming and maintaining friendships and /or demonstrate anxiety within the school environment.